I.V. Infusion Safety Cannula

How to Avoid an I.V. Infusion Safety Cannula
One of the most common procedures for patients in a hospital is intravenous infusion. These are long, slow, and often painful to administer. Infusions are done to give someone essential medications or fluids, all while keeping them hydrated after surgery or because they can’t eat or drink enough on their own. But what happens when you don’t want the saline drip? The answers lie with infusion safe cannulas (IC).

The answer may be longer-lasting pain relief, especially for those with sensitive skin or for those who are allergic to tape. Every nurse knows that tape, whether it is adhesive or paper, does not agree with everybody. Not only do some people have an allergy to adhesive material, but continuous taping may cause pressure sores or just chafe the skin of many patients.
Solutions to the Infusion Cannula Problem
There are solutions to this problem, but they are sub-optimal–especially under certain extreme situations.
Infusion cannulas have been around for a long time. Many nurses have used them, and there are different brands on the market.

However, there is a new innovation that can help avoid painful tape or adhesive tape altogether. The infusion safe cannula (or I.V. cannula) is a kind of tube that allows the patient to make their own choices about their connection to the IV bag and can be attached with rubber bands or clamps (which some patients like).